Seeking new directions ..for Autism control

The Grassroot Science Study

Here’s the story:


The Therapeutics Research Institute (TRI) of Omaha, Nebraska has just demonstrated a break-through treatment for autism. The results have been submitted to a medical journal and have been published.  Previously TRI had discovered that researchers connected with Johns Hopkins and Harvard’s teaching hospital published research showing remarkable improvements in autistic children using a single simple and extremely safe over-the-counter supplement.


So TRI bought basically the same supplement off the web and, using a grassroots science strategy, pulled together a small group of autistic individuals and demonstrated the very same utterly remarkable improvements.


In our Study, for the goal of "some improvement" in autistic behaviors from the worst levels (rated "severe in degree"), there were quite high levels of recorded improvements (80% of these behaviors ranked "severe" improved). For the stronger goal of much more significant improvement (multi-level reductions) from these worst (severe) behavioral levels, about 39% of these behaviors ranked "severe" were reduced to "a slight problem" or "no problem at all." The prior Hopkins/Harvard research obtained a somewhat similar 34% reduction level. For just a simple one-a-day, over-the-counter supplement, these are indeed remarkable improvements – remarkable results.


Now there are two ways this can go.


* We can wait 15 years while Big Pharma tries to make a synthetic version they can patent and finally sell for $3000 a month or more or maybe wait for Hopkins to do larger research studies and finally after 10-15 years, partner with some Big Pharma to get the word out.


* Or – we can act now and get this answer to yet more autism-affected families without anyone else’s permission, just as we already accomplished on a limited scale with our grassroots science strategy.


Specifically our plan is to take this successful Demonstration and expand it to up to 300 families (then 3000, then 30,000). The point is to have them benefit as did the autism individuals in our prior study. So there is no placebo, no proprietary product, no one trying to obtain financial gain. And we can do this now – not 15 years from now.


Note – this is NOT a plan to do more research. This is a plan to help families with autistic members. Now.


On the left, you will see three TABS marked Strategy #1, Strategy #2, and Strategy #3. 


Strategy #1 describes our plans to provide the key supplement to increased numbers of autism clients and continue to collect outcome data from them.  We anticipate continuing to do this with no time limit.


Strategy #2 describes yes a second supplement we have uncovered from the published literature which we believe will also have a huge positive effect.  Our plan is to provide this supplement to participants after they complete no more than one year on Strategy #1 to add to the prospects of additional positive outcomes.


Strategy #3 describes our intent to offer bioresonance via a Rife device to further improve outcomes.  We included this option with our first study, but it is listed as Strategy #3 now since we have no further funds to provide it at this time.  Each unit is about $970 so providing it will await the receipt of additional funding to TRI so that we may provide it.  For now, new additional clients will begin with strategy #1 -- the broccoli sprouts extract.

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